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Ace your Next Virtual Job Interview in 5 steps

Virtual interviews are very common today, in fact, the only option for recruiters due to the pandemic. They are also more challenging as you have to make a lasting impression on the interviewer from across the screen. Hence, this blog is a must-read for you, if you're preparing for one yourself.

 Companies are finally opening their doors to new candidates and one must better be prepared to grab any opportunity coming their way. Things have certainly changed over this year and regardless of which industry you are in, work from home is the new normal and virtual meetings are happening everywhere.
Even interviews are being held online and it is up for debate whether a virtual interview is more difficult to get through since (let’s face it) nothing can replace the warmth of a face-to-face meeting.
How to make that connection or show the hiring panel the passion that you have towards the job?
Despite these challenges, it’s imperative to put your best foot forward and be best prepared to nail that virtual interview. Here’s how!

A woman infront of her laptop

1. Prepare the basics

If you’re well prepared you are already halfway through. Being prepared gives you much-needed confidence and confidence is Everything when it comes to virtual job interviews. Make sure you are ready to deter any glitches that might occur during your interview because it will just throw you off your pace and make you nervous which is the last thing you want. Take care of the following before you begin.

A. Test the equipment

Make sure your laptop is fully charged or if possible keep it in the charging mode to avoid any battery issues. Can it get any worse than your computer shutting down mid-interview? Check your internet connection, clear your payments, and have a backup ready for any mishaps. Even if you lose your internet, having a backup will show your interviewer that you can handle a difficult situation with ease as you always have a plan B. Make sure you don’t have multiple web pages running in the background to avoid any confusion and also to keep your computer from hanging when you don’t want it to. Keep your phone and other devices in silent mode so that nothing can disturb you while you’re crushing it in your online interview with your amazing answers.

A girl preparing for a virtual interview

B. Look your best

You must have heard the saying Dress for the job you want not the job you have. It is the aptest in this situation. You can never be overdressed for a job interview even when it's a virtual one. Don’t put on a T-shirt to appear cool and casual even though it is not compulsory to wear formals. Wearing formal attire shows the hiring panel that you take this interview very seriously and will do your job sincerely. 
It's always better to wear a ponytail if you’re a woman to avoid your hair getting in the way and it also gives you a clean and formal look. 
Look your best because looking good will make you more confident and you surely want that.

C. Keep your surrounding well lit and aesthetically appealing 

We are not saying you need to get a backdrop and a ring light, since you’re not shooting a youtube video. But it is always a good idea to have a nice background, something neutral to avoid your interviewer from shifting their focus from you to say a pile of clothes on your couch or a nice flower vase.
It’s better to sit in front of a wall but make sure your room is well lit. If possible test several spots in your house and you’re sure to find that perfect corner for your virtual interview.

D. Be on time

Show up at least 10 minutes before time to set up your software and it’s always a good thing to be present on the call before your interviewer. You will get ample time to get yourself in the interview mode and give a much better introduction which is the first question in an interview. Being late will not only make you appear careless but has a great chance of making you nervous and ruin your introduction. So just be on time.

A guy preparing for a virtual interview

2. Do your Homework

We all get nervous in interviews even if we have been to one thousand times. The anticipation of what you might be asked, will you get the compensation that you’re expecting or will you get a chill interviewer or a strict one makes things worse? But you can do what’s in your hands which are being prepared.

A. Research Research Research

In any job interview irrespective of the role, it's vital that you know everything about the company and what the job entails. Be sure to have a look at the company’s website and not just scroll through it but make the effort to read all of the pages and learn a few important things like the CEO’s name, company office locations and when it was started. 
Also, check out employee review websites like Glassdoor and Indeed to know more about the interview experiences of previous candidates and commonly asked questions. 
Usually, every company has a standard interview process so it’s better to know in advance how your interview will be conducted to avoid any surprises. 

Frequently asked questions

B. Be prepared for the common questions

There are a set of questions that are always asked in an interview like “Introduce yourself”, “Tell us about your hobbies”, “Where do you want to see yourself in five years” and it’s better that you come prepared with the answers to all of these. Don’t mug up the answers though, as that will come out as fabricated and not genuine. 
It’s okay if your answer is not perfect but it should be real. Not too real though. 
Also, every company has a set of standard questions too. You will learn about these on the review websites and hence it’s important to do your research before your virtual interview.

C. Do your revision

It’s often perceived that the things we learn in college are not of any value when it comes to the corporate world and experience is all that matters, but companies these days are very much concerned with your basic knowledge. Thus, it shouldn’t come to you by surprise if the interviewer asks you about the 7 Ps of marketing or different types of branding. 
Take out your old books, dust it off, and sit down to brush up on the basics. Also, it’s always a good thing to have theoretical knowledge of your industry. 
Take a look at the definitions of some well-known jargon and abbreviations, because let’s face it, we can’t know everything.

A woman painting

D. Know your Hobby

One of the favorite questions of any interviewer is regarding your hobbies especially the ones that you’ve mentioned in your resume. They want to know more about you through the things you are interested in and hence you must show them your best side.
If you don’t have a hobby that you think is impressive enough, get one.
Yes, it hardly takes a day or a few hours to find something interesting and know more about it, enough to talk about for a few hours.
Like gardening. It’s a great hobby and you won’t be asked to plant seeds in the interview.
But you can read about it thoroughly so that you can let your interviewers know what they want to know. Pick something that you already love, that’s even better.

3. Nail that First Impression

The saying first impression is the last impression might be old but is still relevant. Most people make assumptions based on your first impression and it is in your power to skew the virtual interview in whichever direction you want. Thus, create a great first impression, here’s how.

A. Give an impressive introduction

You get a couple of minutes to tell the other person who you are and what your ambitions are and the best part about it is there is no right or wrong answer. It’s great to go with the flow, but always make a short note of the important things that you want to highlight about yourself in the virtual interview.
It is good to start with your name but avoid the basic details that are already mentioned in your resume. Don’t be redundant, tell them the things that are not in your resume but you want them to know. It is your best chance to present the best version of yourself. 
It’s always nice to add a few interesting things but don’t go overboard. Keep it professional.  

A man on a virtual interview

B. Be confident 

No matter what you say, say it with confidence. Confidence is a must in any job interview and even otherwise. A confident person is much more attractive than one with a fancy degree or a ton of experience. If you still get nervous, learn to fake it. Yes, you can pretend to be confident even if you’re dying with nervousness. It is an art worth pursuing. Five minutes of fake confidence slowly turns into a real one. Soon you’ll realize you have nothing to be nervous about. This interview is not the last thing in the world and your confidence will take you places.

C. Be interested and engaged

The last thing the interviewer wants to do is bore you. But some job interviews can extend for hours and get boring. Just keep it together. The easiest way is to listen to what the other person is saying rather than thinking about what you’re gonna do once this is over. Try to engage by asking questions and responding to the ones asked. 
Being interested shows how much you care about the job and the process and creates a good impression.

4. Let them know you are interested

Ask yourself if you want to take that job, it’s very important to do something that you love and are good at. Choose your passion over anything else. If the job is something that you want to do, you won’t have to pretend to be interested, it will come from within and reflect in your behavior during the interview. No amount of preparation can replace the real passion you have for the kind of role that you’ll be taking up. But make sure you let them know how badly you want it. Here’s how.

A. Be honest but positive

Be real in your answers that include why you want the job and what you love about your new role. Tell them everything and with sincerity. Is it a great career growth that you see for yourself or it’s something you wanted to do for a long time? There can be several reasons and all of them are good enough to land you your next job if you’re honest.
It’s also important that you tell that you have faith in yourself to do what it takes and why you of all people are perfect for it. Be positive and confident. Tell them about your plans for improving your skills if needed. A do or die attitude never fails to impress the hiring panel in job interviews.

A woman on a video call on her laptop

B. Show, you’re up for anything

Late hours at work is not your thing? Yes, nobody wants that but is it something you want to share with the interviewer? No. If you want a job you must know beforehand what it entails. Does it require working on weekends or taking calls after hours? Are you up for anything? You need to figure out your priorities before showing up for the virtual job interview. Never appear for a job without being ready to do anything it takes. Companies want hardworking and dedicated employees. Make sure it’s something that you can deliver.

5. Embrace Feedback

By this time you probably should have a better idea of if your interview went well or not. No matter how things are going, keep a positive attitude. Try to learn from the process and make better use of it for your next interview. If it went well, great. If not, make the most of it by asking for feedback.

A. Show, you’re observant by asking questions

Usually, after interviews, you will be asked if you have any questions? Make use of this opportunity to clear all your doubts about the job role and maybe a few other important things like work hours, benefits, and policies. Even if you have any questions, you can always ask about the work culture and what is expected of you or utilize this time to connect with the other person on a personal level. Ask about their experience and if they have any suggestions for you for a fruitful journey. It’s always better to ask.

A woman on a video call with another woman for a virtual interview

B. Ask for feedback

You either win or you learn. Either way, ask for feedback. Interviewers are highly experienced employees of the companies and the best people to give you pointers on what you should improve in yourself. Interviews can be very fruitful for you if you make the best of them.


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